Master Lens Based Media

The Piet Zwart Institute’s Master Lens Based Media presents the works of the graduating artists of 2021: Muxingye Chen, Chiang Yu-ching, Ahn Dao, Fileona Dkhar, Jelle Havermans, Jacob Morris, Thy Nguyen, Lea Novi, Annalisa Urti.

The Lens Based Media Graduation Show 2021 is curated, produced and hosted by V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam.

MA Lens-Based Media Graduation Show 2021

The PZI Master Lens Based Media is a full-time, two-year, research driven program.
The program focuses on approaching animation, photography, and the full range of contemporary cinematic forms as a single expanded field. We support new forms of analysis and creative practice that treat images as plastic, open to recombination, manipulation and shaping. Master level researchers explore the myriad ways that lens-based media art might use these new potentials in innovative ways to engage contemporary audiences.


Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Piet Zwart Institute Master Media Design and Communication
Willem de Kooning Academy
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences